With our work in the field of computer graphics, high performance has always been important in the design of our applications. VivoLab takes advantage of virtually all possibilities that modern computer hardware and algorithmic optimizations have to offer to speed up execution time and data handling. Exploiting features like SSE and GPU hardware ensure a drastic speed-up when compared to competing products.
FastVox, our volume visualization plugin which is included in VivoLab, is one of the fastest implementations available on the market. MPR (Multiplanar Reconstruction) is also handled by FastVox, which enables interactive response times even for thick slab reconstruction.
Also available for open source development
FastVox may also be licensed as a separate module for third-party developers. A demo for non-commercial use is available on our download page.
VivoLab Performance Suite
At the right of this page, you can see three images demonstrating the VivoLab Performance Suite. You can get more details on the modules of the suite by reading about computer-aided diagnosis with VivoLab.
See VivoLab in action
You can see some additional images of VivoLab in action on the gallery page.
Purchasing information
Interested in purchasing VivoLab? We're pleased to hear it. Find out how to purchase VivoLab by contacting our sales department at sales@digitalmedics.de and a sales representative will contact you as soon as possible.
"VivoLab" and "Digital Medics" are registered trademarks of Digital Medics GmbH.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.