In the past, the separation of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) and CAD (Computer Aided Diagnosis) systems led to the fragmentation of medical IT. This fragmentation caused compatibility issues and raised barriers to a smooth workflow.
The VivoLab Workstation represents a novel approach to the integration of PACS and CAD: it streamlines and optimizes the daily clinical routine to the point where the health care professional can concentrate on his core competencies and is freed from cumbersome technology.
Together with our clinical partners, Digital Medics identified three areas in the diagnostic workflow which are poorly implemented by today's PACS systems. These areas were worked into the design goals around which the VivoLab Workstation was created:
Usability Easier to use than never before

The VivoLab Workstation is completely pen-based. It also allows the user to manipulate images directly on the display. This innovative user interaction model is a breakthrough experience in the day-to-day diagnostic routine. A clean and usable interface was designed from scratch, with modern user interfaces in mind -- resulting in groundbreaking simplicity and ease of use.
Performance More power, more speed

Digital Medics' development team is comprised of experts in the field of computer graphics. This special field in computer science is well known for its high computational demand as well as for large data volumes, which are also found in medical imaging. Thus, time-critical aspects of VivoLab strongly benefit from our experience in exploiting off-the-shelf computer hardware to significantly speed up applications. The result of this customization is faster response times and greatly increased efficiency -- making health care professionals more cost- and time-effective in their diagnosis.
Computer Aided Diagnosis The power of cutting-edge technology at your fingertips

The VivoLab Workstation incorporates tools and algorithms that strongly and transparently support the physician in his daily routine. This type of sophisticated tool was derived from the latest research and is now accessible through our user-friendly and innovative interface. CAD supports health care professionals in such a way as to enhance their effectiveness, making them far more productive -- and above all allowing them to work with technology, not against it.
Purchasing information
Interested in purchasing VivoLab? We're pleased to hear it. Find out how to purchase VivoLab by contacting our sales department at sales@digitalmedics.de and a sales representative will contact you as soon as possible.
"VivoLab" and "Digital Medics" are registered trademarks of Digital Medics GmbH.
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