FastVox is a state of the art volume rendering API with outstanding image quality and acceleration features that take advantage of today's hardware. These features include GPU, SSE and hand-tuned assembly language optimizations, resulting in one of the fastest implementations available on the market.

FastVox is built on top of OpenGL®, the leading industry standard for high performance 3D computer graphics. A new feature of the 2.0 engine are the GLSL-based pixel shaders which perform all volume rendering computations exclusively on the GPU.
A key-feature of FastVox is the clean and simple API, that enables developers to quickly integrate FastVox into third-party applications.
In contrast to other volume renderers, FastVox is specifically designed for use in the medical field. Features like Multiplanar Reformation and Maximum Intensity Projection are supported and made readily accessible through its simple API.
FastVox also has two modes: Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) and Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR). Each of these modes allows the user to present medical datasets quickly in special situations -- for example, MIP is valuable for displaying blood vessels in real time with GPU acceleration, while MPR allows the user to rapidly superimpose views onto the data along arbitrary axes and display objects transparently like an X-ray.
A free version is available for non-commercial use in the Projects section.
You can also see a gallery of images and screenshots from FastVox here.
FastVox integration services
Digital Medics also offers clients our in-depth know-how with FastVox in the form of integration services. You can read more about that in the Services section of this website.
Purchasing information
Interested in purchasing FastVox? We're pleased to hear it. Find out how to purchase FastVox by contacting our sales department at sales@digitalmedics.de and a sales representative will contact you as soon as possible.